史上第一位Gay Superhero
同性戀超級英雄 電視影集現身
而即將誕生的世界第一位Gay Superhero同志超級英雄,是由電影~納尼亞傳奇(The Chronicles of Narnial)的製片兼編劇Perry Moore,以他在2007年出版的得獎小說作品Hero為雛形,親自改編為影集並擔任執行製作,即便目前雙方合作僅止於拍攝電視影集,但仍有不少耳語傳聞此舉極可能最後會搬上大螢幕,讓Gay Superhero躍上國際電影舞台。
愛滋前,人人平等。Aids makes us equal.
身為Openly Gay創作者,Perry Moore說:
"It’s not an “afterschool special” kind of thing like “Timmy has a problem.” I mean, he is gay, that is part of his identity, but in a lot of ways he just happens to be gay. It’s one of many things he has to deal with, one of many challenges he has to confront and overcome and integrate into his life.…I wanted to teach people that what makes you unique is actually very special and that very thing that may make you feel alienated, if you’re willing to embrace it, can become the most empowering thing in your life."
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