前陣子飄下2008的第一場雪後,素以酷寒著稱的蒙特婁,便正式進入冬天,持續了幾天潮溼又寒氣逼人的折磨,這兩天溫度倒是相對溫暖怡人,冬陽透過冷空氣普照大地,整座城市姿態清麗。如果深秋的炙熱是"秋老虎"的話,那麼寒冬前這段暖烘烘的天氣,就如同溫和嬌柔的"冬小貓"了! 倔強而不肯輕易葉落的樹,直挺挺地拉直著身子,硬是把頭探出高牆好幾呎,關不住的自由意志,迎著風,不閃不躲,生命力灼熱地向路人擺首微笑!Hello~~~你也在這裡嗎?
前進後退,盛開枯萎,或許不過一個紅綠燈,這次過不去,就等一等,等下一次綠燈亮起,下下次、下下下次...。天還很藍,夜晚星光燦爛,現在過不去的路口,總有天會過去。如果有來生,能不能多給自己一次機會,執著不安的傻女孩... 青春正美的23歲....
前進後退,盛開枯萎,或許不過一個紅綠燈,這次過不去,就等一等,等下一次綠燈亮起,下下次、下下下次...。天還很藍,夜晚星光燦爛,現在過不去的路口,總有天會過去。如果有來生,能不能多給自己一次機會,執著不安的傻女孩... 青春正美的23歲....
Nine Million Bicycles
~Katie Melua Written by Mike
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing, That’s a fact;
It’s a thing we can’t deny.
Like the fact that I will love you ‘til I die.
We are twelve billion light years from the edge.That’s a guess;
We are twelve billion light years from the edge.That’s a guess;
No one can ever say it’s true.
But I know that I will always be with you.
I’m warmed by the fire of your love every day.
I’m warmed by the fire of your love every day.
So don’t call me a liar. Just believe everything that I say…
There are six billion people in the world. More or less.
There are six billion people in the world. More or less.
And it makes me feel quite small. But you’re the one I love the most of all.
We’re high on a wire with the world in our sight.
We’re high on a wire with the world in our sight.
And I’ll never tire of the love that give me every night.
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing.That’s a fact;
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing.That’s a fact;
It’s a thing we can’t deny.
Like the fact that I will love you ‘til I die.
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing.
And you know that I will love you ‘til I die.
Katie Melua 凱特馬露 -Nine Million Bicycles 九百萬輛腳踏車 MV From Youtube
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